Sources for Film Discussion Guides

As I learn of online sources posting discussion guides for specific films, I’ll list them here.

Here are sites that feature movie guides:

Residence Life Cinema has created film clips to help college and university students manage residence life. One section of the site is titled Movie Discussion Guides, where discussion guides are organized into categories of general interest to students. On this page there’s also a link to a complete alphabetical list of films for which there are discussion guides. To download discussion guides in PDF format, you have to have an account with Residence Life Cinema.

teach with movies is another site that specializes in the use of film to educate. Access to discussion guides requires a subscription that costs $11.95 per year (as of August 2008). But one page—here—that is accessible for free lists excellent questions for exploring ethical issues in almost any film.

Movie Learning Guides provides discussion guides for parents and teachers, focusing on character development.

About Doug Geivett
University Professor; PhD in philosophy; author; conference speaker. Hobbies include motorcycling, travel, kayaking, sailing.

3 Responses to Sources for Film Discussion Guides

  1. Pingback: film discussion guides | seeking spirit

  2. Saint Malachy high school says:

    We are the editors of Saint Malachy’s Memorial High School yearbook and we would like to seek permission to use the film reel photo on the cover of our yearbook. Please send an e-mail to us to let us know if this is okay. Thank you.
    The deadline for the cover is approaching and we would appreciate if you could get back to us asap. Thank you very much.


  3. Paul says:

    Hey Doug:
    Not so much a guideline for discussion, but a blog entry and critical review of “Away from Her” @


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