Well I’ll Be Blogrolled!

From the beginning, I’ve tried to keep up with all the bloggers who have been kind enough to add my blog to their blogrolls. Here’s a list of places that I know about. I hope you’ll pay them a visit! And if there’s someone I’ve missed, please let me know.

Honorable Mention

This page is similar to my page titled Well I’ll Be Blogrolled. It lists blogs that have links to my blog. But there’s a difference. This is a list of specific posts at other blogs where one or more of my posts is noticed, even if my blog is not listed on their blogrolls. In my view, these are cases of honorable mention, and deserve notice in their own right.

I’ve learned of many of the links below because of someone who has traveled to my blog from that page. These are, in blog-speak, “referrals.” This is my way of returning the favor. I’m sure I’ve overlooked cases, so if you have a post that mentions this blog or links to a specific post in this blog, feel free to let me know in the combox below and I’ll see about adding it to this list.

Related Posts:

My Idle Banjo

We’ve had family visits from out-of-state this summer, and we’ve celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary. This has called for hauling out ancient video for the “entertainment” of one and all. During one of these forays into the past, my daughters were remarking about some video of me with a Christmas gift some years ago. It was a banjo—something I had long wanted to try. I can be very distinctly heard saying, “Now I’ll have to learn to play the banjo.”

I did make an attempt for several months, maybe even a year. And I enjoyed it. I made encouraging progress, up to a point, at which time I found I was simply “too busy” to keep at it. I continue to be proud of my banjo, carefully selected for me by my wife and children, if not my playing. But every time I glance at it now, or see another banjo (which isn’t often), or hear bluegrass music (which isn’t much more often), I get that guilty sensation and I half-heartedly remind myself to get back to playing (which would mean starting from the beginning).

As a result of this blog, I’ve made a number of friends in recent months. Today I learned that one of them, Carol Woodside, has a shared interest in bluegrass. I replied to a comment she left at one of my posts, then learned of her blog, Woodside Roots and Branches, where her home page makes it pretty obvious that she’s a fan of Earl Scruggs and company. (You should check out the blog and the related website.)

I can listen to Earl Scruggs, if I don’t get him in out-sized doses. I’m more of a Bela Fleck listener. But I don’t enjoy guilt, and it always mixes with the joy of listening. So I don’t listen much. All because of my idle banjo.



The Washington Pugilist, having read this post, recommended a book and a CD to get me back into the banjo groove. The book is Old and In the Way Banjo Songbook. That pretty much says it all, doesn’t it? It includes tablature for Jerry Garcia riffs. The CD is called Old and In the Way. At Amazon as of right now, this CD has 34 customer reviews, with an average of 5 stars. I’ve just added the book to my Amazon shopping cart. Thanks, my friend at The Washington Pugilist.