A New Apostolic Reformation? Bellevue Slide Presentation

I spoke recently at the annual Worldview Apologetics Conference in Bellevue, Washington (April 17-18, 2015). Other speakers included Ravi Zacharias, Norman Geisler, and E. Calvin Beisner.

Two of my four presentations focused on the New Apostolic Reformation, the subject of two books I’ve co-authored with Holly Pivec.

One book is brief and introductory. It’s called God’s Super-Apostles. The other is an expanded treatment with more detailed discussion and extensive documentation. It’s called A New Apostolic Reformation? A Biblical Response to a Worldwide Movement.

You can access my presentation slides by clicking on the following link:

A New Apostolic Reformation?

RDG-NAR Presentation Slides-Title Page

This is the first presentation link I’ve posted to my website. Your feedback is welcome!